Discover your impact
Calculate your greenhouse gas emissions
In today’s rapidly evolving European landscape, awareness and consideration of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of projects and companies is no longer just a recommendation—it’s a requirement. With the European Union’s ambitious climate goals and stringent regulations, including the European Green Deal and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), innovation projects and companies are expected to gain insight into their carbon footprint and also try to improve it where possible.
Curious how much carbon emissions your project emits or will emit? Our comprehensive GHG calculation is designed to help you navigate through the current CO2 landscape. We provide accurate, in-depth assessments of your GHG emissions across all scopes—direct emissions, indirect energy consumption, and your entire value chain. Subsequently, we can compare your emissions to product-, project- or sector-specific state-of-the-art references. This data is essential for meeting regulatory obligations, setting science-based targets, and showcasing your commitment to sustainability.
What are the benefits of a GHG calculation?
A greenhouse gas emission calculation will provide insight on several key aspects. You might be interested in a GHG emission calculation if you want to:

Quantify your impact: Our GHG emission calculation provides insight into the (potential) greenhouse gas emission reduction for a sustainable investment or innovation project compared to the status quo.

Stand out: The analysis will support and demonstrate the positive impact of the project to increase the sustainability of the sector. This analysis gives you the opportunity to distinguish your company from other initiatives within the sector.

Comply with legislation: The calculation helps to identify bottlenecks in your greenhouse gas footprint and your compliance with new environmental legislations. We use our knowledge of current sustainability themes to fully prepare you for a future in which business models will be judged more often on their greenhouse gas footprint.

Maximizing funding potential through GHG calculations
Large funding schemes such as the European Innovation Fund require detailed greenhouse gas emission calculations to be submitted as part of the proposal. The outcome of this analysis is a crucial element of a successful proposal, as projects are scored on their emission reduction potential. EGEN has extensive experience in strategically supporting clients with the scoping, analysis and quantification of their GHG emission avoidance, and have done so since the first calls of the Innovation Fund. See for more information our Innovation Fund page.
Our approach
How do we calculate greenhouse gas emissions?
At EGEN, we’ve developed our own methodology to calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, fully aligned with the globally recognized GHG protocol – a standardized framework to measure and manage GHG emissions from private and public sector operations, value chains and mitigation actions. Our methodology is designed to be in line with EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and generally accepted within European context.

Determining the scope of the analysis in terms of project scope, methodological considerations and (potential) reference case.
Often a process flow diagram is used to clearly highlight the project boundaries and identify all the relevant inputs and outputs. Information will be collected via a dedicated scoping session and presented in a scoping report.

Building on the selected project scope, all the relevant data for the analysis will be gathered. Think of process quantities, volumes, and tonnages that either enter or exit the project scope. Also, a list of corresponding conversion- and emission factors will be drafted.

Quantifying and calculating the actual impact of the project.
This step includes the preparation of the Excel template to perform analyses in line with the methodological requirements, followed by the interpretation and analysis of the GHG calculation. Where relevant, a benchmark can be performed (on e.g. sector level) to assess the environmental performance of the project.

Drafting the conclusions and implications based on the results of the quantification phase.
Delivery of a descriptive report presenting the main assumptions, key results, interpretation of these results, and conclusions of the GHG calculation.
1. Scoping
Determining the scope of the analysis in terms of project scope, methodological considerations and (potential) reference case.
Often a process flow diagram is used to clearly highlight the project boundaries and identify all the relevant inputs and outputs. Information will be collected via a dedicated scoping session and presented in a scoping report.
2. Inventory
Building on the selected project scope, all the relevant data for the analysis will be gathered. Think of process quantities, volumes, and tonnages that either enter or exit the project scope. Also, a list of corresponding conversion- and emission factors will be drafted.
3. Quantification
Quantifying and calculating the actual impact of the project.
This step includes the preparation of the Excel template to perform analyses in line with the methodological requirements, followed by the interpretation and analysis of the GHG calculation. Where relevant, a benchmark can be performed (on e.g. sector level) to assess the environmental performance of the project.
4. Implementation
Drafting the conclusions and implications based on the results of the quantification phase.
Delivery of a descriptive report presenting the main assumptions, key results, interpretation of these results, and conclusions of the GHG calculation.
Since every project has its own requirements and assumptions, we can easily adapt our methodology to your specific project- and/or funding needs. Through our expertise in public funding we ensure that our GHG calculations are compliant with European grant programs such as Innovation Fund and CEF, but also national grant programs such as DEI+, VEKI and NIKI. Curious how a GHG calculation can support your project? Contact us for a consultation.
Examples of
GHG calculations in projects
Attero is active in waste-processing industry and focuses on the recovery and reuse of energy and raw materials from waste. We supported one of their projects with a CO2 calculation. Based on our CO2 calculation, Attero further defined its innovation project.

Short and informative
FAQ’s about calculating GHG
Insight in your CO2 emissions on a project level can help you in your decision-making process by selecting projects, technologies or feedstocks with the carbon lowest footprint. Or to distinguish the environmental efforts your company makes compared to other initiatives within the sector.
From a legislation point of view, new EU legislation imposes requirements on companies in order to benefit the environment and reduce global warming. In the near future (2024-2025), many large EU-stock listed companies, governed by EU law or established in EU Member states need to comply with the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). In short this means that companies will have to publicly disclose detailed and transparent information on how sustainability issues affect their own operations, and what impacts they have on the broader environment. Insight in ones companies’ CO2 emissions is expected to play an important role in the CSRD.
In addition, the expansion of the EU ETS will also require new sectors to comply to the Emission Trading System. This new system is expected to be operational starting in 2027, while monitoring and reporting starts already 2025.
Lastly, companies importing iron, steel, cement, aluminum, fertilizers, electricity, and hydrogen from outside the EU will need to consider the new CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) regulation. Through this mechanism the EU aims to set a fair price on carbon emissions from production of carbon intensive goods entering the EU, to encourage cleaner industrial production in non-EU countries. In other words, importers will pay a carbon price equivalent to the amount they would have paid if the goods had been produced under the EU ETS rules. The CBAM is planned to enter into force on October 1st 2023.
For companies falling under EU ETS, the European Commission determines every year how much CO2 emissions companies are allowed to emit. The specific details on the allowances depend on the sector you are operating in. The amount of emission credits decreases every year, in order to achieve the 2030 climate targets .
Currently, EU ETS covers greenhouse gas emissions from thousands of installations in the energy sector and manufacturing industry as well as aircraft operators flying within the EU, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Starting in 2024, the EU ETS also covers emissions from maritime transport. The coming years EU ETS will expand its scope, including new sectors such as maritime transport and small industries. The latest figures and reports can be found on the website of the emissions authority.
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