SDE++ Intelligence Report

Increase the success rate of your SDE++ application.

Interested in this report?

    Optimise your chances

    EGEN developed a strategic report

    The SDE++ tender opens again on September 10th 2024. Maybe you are already busy preparing your grant application for September. A good bidding strategy is very important, as it determines the feasibility and return on investment of an SDE++ project. EGEN developed a strategic study, SDE++ Intelligence report, which you can use to optimise your chances.

    What is included

    About the SDE++ Intelligence report

    The SDE++ scheme consists of five submission phases, with phase 1 containing the most cost-effective technologies, followed by phases 2, 3, 4 and 5. Apply in an early phase and increase the chance of a successful SDE++ application. The other side of the coin? Applying in an early phase results in a less profitable SDE++ project.

    The SDE++ Intelligence report provides a solid basis for determining an optimal bid price for your SDE project. Items discussed in the report include:

    What is the expected SDE++ budget claim per category?

    What is the prediction of the course of the budget claim over time?

    What is the right timing of an application?

    Within which phase is it best to bid?


    Why this report?

    With our SDE++ Intelligence report you will be able to: 

    Make an optimal decision on your project’s bidding strategy.

    Gain data driven, statistical insights from analysing thousands of SDE++ projects.

    Facilitate an informed internal decision making process on your project’s bidding strategy.

    In addition to the report, EGEN can support you in performing the required calculations, structuring and writing convincing documents as well as managing the overall application process.

    Quote Niels SDE++ Market Intelligence Study

    “At EGEN, I work on decarbonising industries and energy production facilities. The SDE++ is the main instrument for realizing large-scale rollout of CO2 reducing technologies such as PV, heat pumps and E-boilers. The Dutch government aims at meeting our climate goals in the most cost effectively way possible, which is achieved by having all sorts of CO2 reducing technologies compete with each other over scarce resources. This competitive element combined with the extensive climate impact it generates, is what makes this my favourite grant scheme!”

    -Pieter Knoop, Consultant at EGEN

    Quote Niels SDE++ Market Intelligence Study

    At EGEN, I specialize in guiding clients through the complexities of sustainable funding applications. Our intelligence reports provide invaluable insights, helping businesses secure the necessary funding to drive impactful environmental projects. By navigating the funding landscape efficiently, we empower our clients to contribute to a greener future.”

    -Robbert Messing, Consultant at EGEN

    Quote Niels SDE++ Market Intelligence Study

    “Every year it is great to see that our SDE++ Intelligence Report contributes strongly to the winning bid strategies of our clients for such a competitive subsidy scheme. In this way, we support our clients in closing their business case and in making a positive impact on the energy transition.”

    -Jeroen de Hosson, Managing Consultant at EGEN

    Quote Niels SDE++ Market Intelligence Study

    “Our market intelligence reports provide valuable input in decision making on bid prices. It enriches project internal discussions and provides a data based knowledge foundation for a sound bid strategy. In doing so, it adds an marked outside perspective to existing project internal perspectives.”

    Niels Schoorlemmer, Senior Consultant at EGEN

    Request the report in 4 simple steps

    fill in the form
    step 1 process SDE report

    Register your interest and leave your details in the form.

    contact with consultant
    step 2 process SDE report

    A EGEN consultant will get in touch with you. 

    step 3 process SDE report

    You receive the SDE++ Intelligence report via e-mail end of August 2024 

    step 4 process SDE report

    Have a successful application! 

    About EGEN

    Innovation and sustainability are in our DNA, realising a green future is in our heart. As innovation experts, we lead the way in the energy, environment and mobility sectors. A more sustainable world: that is what we stand for. Not only for the current generation, but also for generations to come! 

    Over the years, EGEN has worked on a wide variety of green innovation projects. You can see exactly how many here: 

    Team EGEN

    energy projects

    environment projects

    mobility projects

    total projects


    What is a SDE++ intelligence report?

    An energy market intelligence report is a document that by provides qualitative and quantitative insights on energy related auction schemes, in this case, the SDE++. 

    For whom is the SDE++ intelligence report?

    For project developers that plan to invest in any of the qualifying SDE++ technologies.   

    Where do EGEN collect the data for this SDE++ intelligence report?

    Our report combines data of this type of sources: 

    • 13 years of historical SDE++ data;  
    • project specific webpages and press releases; 
    • EGEN internal expertise and know how; 
    • reliable and renowned institutions and associations in the energy sector.

    Does EGEN also offers personal consultant or advice?

    The SDE++ intelligence report can be either purchased as a standalone document or as part of EGEN’s wider range of services to support your SDE++ application. For more information on our SDE++ project and application support services please visit our SDE++ grant page.

    Are there any costs charges for this SDE++ intelligence report?

    Yes. Our consultant will discuss the costs with you once you have filled out the form for interest. 

    news and projects

    News about SDE++


    ‘SDE++ Intelligence report’ increases success rate of SDE++ application

    More information about the SDE++ Intelligence report

    Do you need valuable insights to determine your SDE++ submission strategy? Then ask for more information about our SDE++ Intelligence report. The report is of particular interest to project developers working on complex SDE++ projects.

    Fill out the form and we will contact you!