Innovating in energy, environment and mobilityour markets
For a sustainable world
The necessity to transition to a sustainable world is clear. The road there almost always includes ‘innovation’. Storing energy. Less pressure on the environment. Alternative forms of mobility. These are just some of the many examples that are of great importance for a greener future. Companies, researchers and government in the Netherlands, Europe and anywhere else in the world make an effort to contribute to these challenges. That also means there are many innovation opportunities for you!

The energy transition is a key component of creating a cleaner world. Innovation contributes to generating sustainable energy, creating effective energy systems, and realising energy savings.

A sustainable world does not only mean waste is considered a resource. It also means food is sustainably produced and water is used consciously. Innovation is important to realise large environmental gains.

Whether it’s sustainable transport of goods and people, sustainable mobility infrastructure or smart mobility: these are all needed for the large-scale implementation of sustainable mobility strategies.
Energy projects
environmental projects
mobility projects
total projects

making an impact
The future changes today
EGEN contributes by supporting clients in accelerating their sustainable projects. Whether we help to find a possible grant, the right grant strategy, write an application or calculate a business case, our enthusiastic consultants are ready to share their knowledge and ensure that the project will be a success. With our experience with both national and European projects, we know exactly how we can best assist you.
Want to know more? Then contact us using the form below.
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