Grant Hydrogen in Mobility (SWiM)

Grant scheme for further development of hydrogen in mobility

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Second round expected to open on 1 April 2025

Hydrogen in Mobility grant scheme

One of the goals of the Dutch Climate Agreement is to develop 50 hydrogen refuelling stations by the year 2050. Currently, our country has 23 public hydrogen refuelling stations, some of which are suitable for heavy road transport. Further scale-up and roll-out requires technology development, testing and investments. The gridlock between available refuelling infrastructure and vehicles is also a factor.

Previously, several grant instruments have been deployed, such as IPCEI Hydrogen (for applications in mobility and transport) and DKTI-Transport (hydrogen pilots). In summer 2024, the new ‘temporary hydrogen in mobility grant scheme’ opened for the first time. The scheme aims to address the stalemate between available refuelling infrastructure and vehicles. The second opening has now been announced with a substantially higher budget of €40 million. 

In short

Hydrogen in Mobility overview

For whom?

Partnerships consisting of at least one hydrogen filling station operator and (at least) one company operating as a carrier. The specific target groups are: transport and distribution sector (including SMEs), hydrogen filling station operators, shippers (producers transporting their goods) and passenger transport (buses and wheelchair transport with at least 4 seats).

How much?

The budget for 2025 is €40 million.

  • 26 million euros is reserved for projects with a new or to be expanded hydrogen refuelling station and vehicles.

  • 14 million euros is reserved for projects with an existing hydrogen refuelling station and vehicles.

    If the budget in a category is not exhausted, there is room to shift the budget.

When to apply?

The scheme is expected to open on Tuesday 1 April 09:00 to Wednesday 7 May 2025 17:00.

For what?

The grant is intended for consortia with project proposals linking refuelling infrastructure and vehicles. The focus is on logistics and heavy road transport. Light road transport is also eligible, provided it does not exceed 50% of the total number of vehicles. The grant is a ‘purchase grant’. The grant rates are as follows:

  • 40% of the cost of building or expanding a hydrogen refuelling station, up to a maximum of €2 million per application.
  • 80% of the additional cost of new hydrogen vehicles and retrofitting costs, up to a maximum amount per type of vehicle, and up to €5 million per application.

The scheme operates on the tender principle, with projects with relatively the lowest grant demand being awarded first. Project proposals with a new hydrogen refuelling station in urban nodes where no hydrogen refuelling station is yet operational can benefit from a priority scheme.

Get in touch

What can EGEN do for you?

Want to know more about these grant plans? EGEN’s experts are the first to know about new grant opportunities in the field of transport, mobility and hydrogen. Their years of experience mean they can be more helpful than anyone else in preparing a project proposal, consortium or grant application.

“I am currently part of the Transport team, which focuses mainly on the transition to smart and sustainable mobility for passenger and freight transport. The great thing about this sector is that it quickly links to the energy transition, as ships, planes and trucks are switching to different/clean fuels.”

Contact Maurits Simons →

maurits simons

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Hydrogen in mobility conditions

Grant conditions are not known at this time.

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