Innovation in Europe
Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe is the name of the European multiannual programme for research, development, and innovation. It is the successor to the earlier programme Horizon 2020 and will run from 2021-2027. The programme is made up of a large number of sub-programmes each with their own funding round, conditions and application deadlines.
In short
Horizon Europe overview
For whom?

Horizon Europe is open to organisations based in the EU Member States and in associated countries. From start-ups, SMEs, universities and research institutes to large enterprises and governments. However, the bar is high: all projects are evaluated against their excellence, impact and quality of implementation and only the highest ranked ones are selected. Many ‘grant calls’ require the cooperation of at least three parties from three different countries.’
How much?

Horizon Europe 2021-2027 has a total budget of over EUR 95 billion.
Overview of
Horizon Europe themes
At EGEN, we are particularly focussed on innovations that fit in with the following three thematic ‘clusters’ of Horizon Europe:
- Cluster 4 (‘Digital, industry and space’) targets digitalisation and more efficient industrial processes. EGEN specifically focusses on the industrial processes.
- Cluster 5 (‘Climate, energy and mobility’) targets a climate neutral Europe by 2050, and supports innovation projects that contribute to a faster transition towards making the European energy and mobility sector more climate and environmentally friendly.
- Cluster 6 (‘Food, bio-economy, natural resources, agriculture and environment’) finances innovation projects focusing on areas such as biodiversity, ecosystem services, food systems, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, circular economy and climate change.
Here you can find the European Commission’s tool, already filtered to only show open calls in these three clusters. Use the search function to locate the calls you’re interested in and get in touch with EGEN to discuss those.

Why this grant?
Purpose of Horizon Europe
The objectives of Horizon Europe are based on three policy pillars:
- stimulating excellent research,
- tackling major European challenges and
- promoting the European ‘innovation climate’.
These objectives are further elaborated in various programmes around several thematic clusters. These themes include Environment, Health, Food, Safety, Mobility and Energy, among others.
“For many years EGEN has provided a wide range of innovation services for multiple Horizon 2020, Framework Programmes, and Intelligent Energy Europe projects. Our services ensure a high-quality subsidy application process and the smooth implementation of projects that add real value. The new Horizon Europe programme offers huge opportunities for innovation across the sector.”
Contact Thomas Maidonis →

What is the Horizon Europe grant for?
Types of projects
- Research and Innovation Actions (RIA): research projects aimed at the initial development of new state-of-the-art knowledge and technology. Projects need to exactly match or address the described challenges. The subsidy percentage is 100%.
- Innovation Actions (IA): innovation projects in a more advanced stage (closer to the market, such as practical demonstrations or upscaling). The subsidy is then 60-70% of the project costs (excl. non-for-profit organisations which are still eligible for 100% funding).
- Coordination and Support Actions (CSA): tackling sectoral issues, setting up excellent international networks in the field of research, innovation and education, etc. The subsidy percentage is 100%.

Download more information
The Horizon Europe magazine
Want to boost your innovation strategy by taking advantage of Horizon Europe funding?
Download the Horizon Europe E-magazine and find all the tools and information to make your project a success.

- During the application process: we can help you with project scoping, finding and linking up with the right partners, and the subsidy application.
- After approval of the application: after your subsidy application is evaluated as successful, our exploitation experts can help you with an economic analysis of your innovation. We will also support your organisation with the necessary subsidy related administrative matters and the associated reports. And our business modelling specialists can help you draw up a solid business case or business plan to give you more insight into how to make your business a success.

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