Demonstration of Energy and Climate Innovation (DEI+)
DEI+ is a grant for projects in which new innovations in the field of energy and CO2 reduction are tried out in the form of a pilot or demonstration project. These are innovations for which most of the research has already been completed. Examples include testing a prototype at a practical location or a pilot setup, or applying a new technology in an industrial production process.
In short
DEI+ overview
For whom?

Dutch companies that will test a new energy and/or climate innovation in practice. These are usually industrial parties that act as 'first users' of the innovation in question. The new technology is then tested, demonstrated and perfected on location. This is often done in collaboration with the developer, manufacturer, supplier or other partners.
When to apply?

The DEI+ scheme works with several application rounds. Besides the 'general' application round, 'specific' rounds appear regularly around certain themes. Each round has its own application period (see below under DEI+ Themes). Please note that applications are processed as long as the budget for the relevant theme stretches (according to the 'first come, first served' principle).
How much?

The grant rate is usually between 25 and 50% of project costs. Several exceptions to this are possible (such as an additional mark-up of 10% or 20% for costs by a medium or small company, respectively, or a possible increase to 80% for research organisations. The grant can amount to 25 million euro (for pilot projects) or even 30 million for demonstration projects. The available grant budget is determined per application round (see overview under DEI+ Themes below)
For what?

Projects which reduce CO₂ emissions for sustainability and energy innovation, such as:
- Pilot projects, in which you test and improve a new technology in a pilot set-up that is typical of practical use.
- Demonstration projects, where you invest in a production facility that will remain in use after the grant project ends.

Infrastructure projects - where test or experimental infrastructure, for projects under the hydrogen and green chemistry theme, are set up or improved
Meet the requirements
DEI+ conditions
This grant scheme is subject to various terms of eligibility, including the following:

Dutch enterprises are eligible for the DEI+ grant.

Projects must have a maximum duration of 4 years.

Projects must be innovative.

In pilot projects, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) considers the international state of the art.

For demonstration projects, you are allowed to have received a grant for the same type of installation twice before from the Topsector Energy schemes.

Your benefit
What does the DEI+ grant provide?
* To this is added an additional 10% for medium-sized enterprises and an additional 20% for small enterprises.
Investment subsidies are only granted on the so-called additional costs; the additional investment costs compared to a less environmentally friendly investment that could also be made. We are happy to help you determine the reference for optimising the subsidy.
Overview of
DEI+ themes
General DEI round
The regular ‘general and broad’ DEI+ round is open for applications from 28 January 2025 to 28 August 2025 at the latest (but as long as the budget stretches, €175 million). This round covers the following themes:
Energy efficiency
This theme involves projects aimed at making production processes more energy-efficient (i.e. not buildings). This may involve existing processes, but also new processes if they are more efficient than the current state of the art.
Promotion of energy from renewable sources
This concerns the production, storage and incorporation of energy from wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal, biomass, landfill gas, biogas and sewage gas, among others. Landscape/spatial integration can be part of it. New is that projects involving biofuels (e.g. biokerosene) or energy storage are also eligible.
Energy system flexibility
Pilot projects aimed at preventing grid congestion and other imbalances using plants or vehicles (via energy storage, conversion, off-grid supply, reactive or real-time demand management and so on).
Local infrastructure
This concerns demonstration projects focusing on local energy infrastructure of an open/public nature (such as distribution networks, steam networks, industrial infrastructure, innovative heat networks or district heating).
Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS)
This involves capture, transport, application or storage of CO2. Projects should aim at reducing industrial CO2 emissions, meeting future carbon needs or ‘negative’ emission technologies.
Other CO2 reduction measures
This residual category provides space for projects that fall outside one of the other DEI+ themes, from both generic or specific opening rounds.
Hydrogen and green chemistry
This DEI round concerns pilots and demonstration projects focused on hydrogen production (electrolysis), transport/storage, innovative applications and infrastructure.
Specific DEI rounds
In addition to the general DEI+ round above, there are several ‘specific’ application rounds, each with its own focus and budget. The application round for these topics is the same as the general round, and is open for applications from 28 January 2025 to no later than 28 August 2025 (as long as the budget stretches). They are:
Gasification of waste streams
This DEI grant round is aimed at companies investing in installations for converting biogenic or mixed residue streams into sustainable energy carriers (green gas, methanol, etc.). Applications can be made as long as the budget lasts (€109 million).
Circular Economy
This theme focuses on reduction of fossil raw materials, replacement with secondary raw materials (e.g. bio-based), waste reduction, recovery, collection/sorting and making them suitable for reuse or recycling. This may include processing of in-house waste streams, or replacement of primary raw materials with recycled raw materials. Since this year, pilot and smaller projects have also been included in this theme. For projects in the circular economy, the budget is €80 million.
Natural gas-free urban environment
This DEI call focuses on pilot and demonstration projects, aimed at making existing buildings ‘natural gas-free’. Applications can be made as long as the budget lasts (€6 million).
Why this grant?
Purpose of DEI+
The DEI+ grant is an investment grant for Dutch innovations in the field of sustainable energy and energy saving. The purpose of this grant is twofold:
- Stimulating the sustainability of the Netherlands.
- Stimulating the economy – so that the step up to the international market is easier for Dutch companies.
“I am responsible for the collaboration with many of EGEN’s clients, mainly in the environmental sector. I am a person with a positive approach (the glass is half full!) who likes challenges and results.”
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