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Group activities
Meet our teamOur team is
Intrinsically motivated
EGEN means ‘intrinsic’ and that is exactly what sets us apart. Whether it is about energy transition, circular economy or sustainable mobility: our consultants have a strong drive to contribute to achieving a better climate and environment. This intrinsic motivation reveals itself in many ways and is not limited to work alone. For example, we participated in Clean The Beat in Amsterdam, cycled up to 375 kilometers to raise awareness of the rising sea levels and celebrated “Circulaas” where we gave each other presents from home.
July 2023
Team day
EGEN’s team day took place in nature on the beautiful Landgoed Marlot. The team day was kicked off by a word from management, followed by several interesting presentations. We concluded the informative day with drinks in Scheveningen.

July 2023
Zipline Scheveningen
Four of our colleagues have been promoted! To celebrate their achievements, they went down the zipline on Scheveningen Pier. Flying in their new positions.
June 2023
This year, we again participated in Cycling 4 Climate, raising awareness of climate change. The beautiful landscapes we experienced during the 375 km cycle ride from Breda to Groningen confirmed once again that this should never become our country’s new coastline. Together, we can fight global warming!

December 2022
We didn’t celebrate “Sinterklaas” this year, we celebrated Circulaas! Instead of buying new presents, we gave each other circular presents. Everyone has something nice lying around the house that you don’t really do anything with, but that you can make someone else very happy with. And the team were certainly happy with the fun and creative gifts!
September 2022
Mudflat walking
A very successful and sporty team outing. We went mudflat walking with the EGENizers at Pieterburen. A guide took us out and told us all kinds of things about nature. We endured all weather conditions and it was a tough but above all wonderful and fun experience.

June 2022
Zipline Scheveningen
Some of our colleagues have been promoted and to celebrate this new challenge, they went down the zipline on the Pier of Scheveningen. Off to new experiences at EGEN!
June 2022
These EGEN juggernauts cycled along with Cycling 4 Climate. During this ride of up to 375 kilometres, they and all other participants called attention to the ever-rising sea level. Our EGENizers cycle from Breda to Groningen along the coastline that will be created if the sea level continues to rise. Calling attention to climate change in a sporty way. Because together we can combat global warming!

June 2022
Spain event
Every year, PNO Group (which EGEN is part of) invites new colleagues to a multi-day informative programme. Some of our EGENizers met with 140 other European colleagues from the PNO Group in Spain. During the event, we listened to inspiring speakers, attended educational workshops and took a closer look at the future of our organisation. In the evening, we enjoyed a dinner and drinks and got to know our (international) colleagues better.
May 2022
Recycing plastic firm
Today, we collected the result of the successful ProLiFeX project and distributed it to our team: a compost bag made from hard-to-recycle plastic film. The project shows that household packaging waste can be successfully recycled into high-quality packaging material for the consumer market. We handled grant applications for this sustainable project and remained involved as project manager.

October 2021
Clean The Beat Amsterdam
All our EGENizers have a strong, intrinsic drive to contribute to a better climate and environment. And we are happy to stick our hands out for that. We therefore took part in Clean The Beat in Amsterdam. Together, we helped clear Amsterdam’s canals of plastic waste. A particularly satisfying activity with visible impact!
Do you recognize this intrinsic motivation and are you looking for a new challenge? Have a look at the vacancies at EGEN!

Spain event
Every year, PNO Group invites new colleagues to a multi-day informative programme. Some people from the EGEN team met with 140 other European colleagues in Spain. During the event, we listened to inspiring speakers, attended educational workshops and took a closer look at the future of our organisation. In the evening, we enjoyed a dinner and drinks and got to know our (international) colleagues better. Will you join us next year?

Questions about working at EGEN?
Contact our HR Advisor Rowi Zaat using the contact form below.