Mark Meijer
As a consultant at EGEN, I aim to help clients accelerate their green innovations. Currently, I am part of the transportation cluster, but I am also greatly interested in projects related to the energy and environmental clusters, as well as cross-sectoral projects. The diversity in projects at EGEN facilitates learning and will ultimately allow me to make a greater positive impact on both society and the environment. Furthermore, with my background in innovation management, sustainability and public policy, I am well aware of the interconnectedness of the societal challenges of our times and therefore highly appreciate working on projects covering a wide range of themes.
What I greatly value about EGEN is the welcoming environment and the diverse expertise that is present within the organisation. Whereas my background is more on the management and policy side, other colleagues have a strong technical background. This is exactly the type of diverse knowledge needed to accelerate green innovations.
Outside of my professional life, I enjoy discovering new music in a wide range of genres and visiting concerts and music festivals. Moreover, I enjoy watching arthouse movies in the various high-quality cinemas Rotterdam has to offer.